Background check for sexual offenders Enter your credentials

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Welcome to the Background Check Page of the Sexual Offenders Register.

A search enables individuals and organisation to access information on the identity and location of convicted, and alleged reported and arraigned sexual offenders. This includes convicted and alleged rapists, paedophiles and other violent sexual offenders.

Background searchers will be required to pay a token to search the register for reported and arraigned cases. After payment, and entry of the search details an email will be sent with the search result.

The searcher's personal information will be held with the utmost confidentiality. It will be used strictly for administrative purposes and to contact you for further clarification. Phone number and /or emails will be required to provide updates and to reset passwords should a user forget your password. Please study the privacy policy to see how your personal data will be used and protected.

Why is this register important?

This register seeks to name and shame perpetrators of sexual violence. It links victims/ survivors and even perpetrators to the help they may need. You can take an active part in using this register by asking your children's school if the management has carried out background checks on its teachers and other staff. You can report sexual crimes for investigation etc. You can encourage service providers to register. Our goal is not to fill the register with cases of sexual violence but to hopefully reduce the crime and direct affected persons to the help they need.